Carry On!

Not acting myself at all today. I spent nearly the entire morning moping around. Mama was cleaning and washing clothes. Papa was outside working again. They barely spent any time with me. Must be the new haircut. Don't they like me anymore? What happened to the guilt? Where is the love? I went in my crate for an hour this morning and nobody even noticed. Mama was mopping the floor at one point and called for me. I didn't go. She kept calling and calling. I was at the top of the stairs. She finally saw me and came running up the stairs to get me. She doesn't mind if I go up the stairs by myself but, she freaks when I go down them. She is terrified I am going to fall. I myself, prefer to be carried down the stairs as I always am. I did it on purpose so she would pay attention to me. It only worked for a while. Finally mama took me for an early afternoon walk but, she brought me back home after a half hour because I kept lying down on the grass. It was too hot. What does she want from my life? She brought me back home and then left the house. Papa told me mama went to get her nails done. HA! Her turn to be tramautized and held down while screaming. I only wish I had dropped her off there myself. Then we would be even. Anyhow, she came back later and seemed happy. That really confused me? She even showed papa her toes proudly when she returned? She kept smiling? Her groomer must sedate her or something? Anyhow, she took me for a long walk but, I am still kind of mad with her cause of yesterday. I refused to walk and plopped myself down continuosly. She picked me up and carried me for the whole walk! I cried to let her know I had to poop. It was great! I love when she carries me. The world is so much more interesting from the human level. All I ever see is grass, rocks, the odd stick and doggie doo doo. We got home and mama gave me half of a hamburger patty! Yummy! I even ate my own dinner after that and all my water. That walking is sure tiresome!
Hi Cousin Chelsea,
Sounds like you have PTSD...Post Traumatic Stress Disorder...doesn't your mommy and daddy realize that. I remember my adopted brother Figgy when he lived with us (I didn't like him cause he wouldn't let us get near mommy...he had 'separation anxiety'). Anyways, when he went to the groomer...he loved it. Mommy always had them make him look like a terrier instead of a part poodle, but he was happy. I think maybe your groomer is not very nice. They should give you doggy treats and stuff. Mommy was mad at me today. I peed on the floor again beside the litter box. I forgot to put my whole bum in the box again. What does she expect, I'm 18 years old ...I senile or something like that. She was mad. She had to clean everything this morning again and then she yelled at me for peeing on the floor. So I went an lay down in the kitchen again and wouldn't move till she nudged me out of the way. I don't like when mommy gets upset, but I forgot. I wish Taby was around to cover my poop...she always took care of me and licked me and stuff. She was my real mommy. This one won't lick me and stuff....
Anyways Chelsea, hope you have a good weekend. Try to stay cool. Make sure you appreciate your parents. They are really good to you...they are just imperfect cause they're humans... can't expect too much.
Why haven't your other cousins responded here? Why is it always me? Where is Millie and Mimi (Dill's), Jessie (Suzy), Chiquita (Nadia), and the other cousin pets? Don't they know how to paw-type????
Hey Shamu, you are right. I don't know where all the other pets are either. I think the grooming stories freaked them out or maybe they are mad that they don't have three lounging mats at home and get to sleep with mama and papa?
Sorry you got in trouble for peeing. I am only a year and a half (almost) and sometimes I have accidents too. You are a lot older than me so don't worry, at least you have an excuse!
Your mom loves you SO much and she is trying to find you a playmate darling. Be patient!
Dear Chelsea,
Thanks for your encouragement...I know mommy loves me but why does she always say she can have me stuffed and put on a mantle??? What's a mantle??? What's stuffed?
Oh well...I'm going back for another nap. Talk to you soon!
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