Spa day is coming!

They finally made my grooming appointment!. They better not have any silly ideas planned for me. (Like the idiot shown here)
I like getting groomed. It is relaxing and except for when the razor goes near my butt, I am half asleep through most of it.
I plan on acting all tramautized when I get home like I always do and milking my human parents for some good food. Not those bland doggie biscuits. I want some steak. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!!
I'll let you know how it goes.
YAWN. I am tired. Going to sleep. Bye
Chelsea, I truly enjoyed your blogs. It really opened my eye. Dogs definitely have it better. Being a cat, we have to act very independent. I only meow to mommy when I want food...which is constantly. You are so right about this heat. Mommy leaves the air conditioning on all day for me, but when she comes in the door, I pretend that I have been sweating all day by lying on the floor and only lifting my head and looking at her pathetically. She doesn't seem to be buying it thought. I guess having the AC doesn't help. I've even tried shedding hair, but she just vacuums it up. I guess it could be worse. I am lonely though ever since my older sister Taby went away. I wonder if mommy will get me a new brother or sister. I'd sure like to have someone around during the day.
Anyways, keep up the blogs.
Your cousin,
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