Outside today all day

Was outside all day with Mama and Papa. We had a nice family day together. Mama and I lay on the blanket outside. Mama was wearing her bathing suit and slapping oil all over herself. I tried to lick some off her legs and she kept getting angry with me. Too bad....what was that? A hint of coconut in there.....yummy. Anyhow, Mama got out the dreaded headphones and was singing again. Yikes. When she puts on those headphones I am begging for a pair of my own or better yet.....ear plugs!
I ran for shelter under the shade and played by myself for a while.
Papa cut down a tree in the backyard today! It was really neat ......although they made me go inside. Once it was down, Mama let me out and Papa let me play with all the sticks that came off the tree. I was in stick heaven! I know to humans that doesn't mean very much but, to us dogs...it's like winning some type of lottery. Not the grand prize cuz that would be a huge treat of some type of food......but, nonetheless it is definitely a second place prize.
Mama took me for a long walk and told me I was a good little walker. Darn, I forgot to make her pick me up.....oh well, tomorrow is another day.
We had company later in the evening. A man and a woman. Well, I should call her a lady cuz she petted me the whole time she was here.
Now that is a decent visitor!
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