A bunch for Lunch

Today we had company. My grandma (Mama's mama) came over with my aunt Kathy (mama's sister) And my cousin Samantha (Mama's sister's daughter). I was very happy. Samantha is five years old and played with me all morning. Samantha is one of the smallest humans I know so it fun to play with her.
Mama and Papa made lunch for everyone. I only got a little piece of Papa's burger. Mama wanted to give me some of her lunch but, it was too boring. Corn and salad. Do I look like I need to be on a diet?? Sheesh, I am only 13 pounds if I lose anymore weight I would be a super model. Mind you, I do have skinny long legs but, all the runway work is too much for me. I like my life just the way it is Thank You very much.
Mama took me for a walk after everyone left and then she went out with her friends.
Papa had a good meaty dinner so I did not mind hanging out with him at all. Papa shares my fond appreciation of protein. After we shared some wings, Papa and I cuddled on the couch and waited for Mama to come back. I slept for a good while too. Entertaining is very tiring.
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