Discipline is not a suit I wear well

Papa came home and saw Mama crying. He asked what happened and Mama told him all about it. Then I heard him say that I have to go back to obedience school! He also said that I am too spoiled.
Moi? What makes me so spoiled? I get people food? I go for walks and get carried most of the time? I have more toys than the neighbourhood children? I have someone pick up my poop for me? I get whatever I want?
Ok, maybe the old man's got a point. I'll have to lay low for a while.
Chelsea, let me share with you some of my wisdom. You cannot be spoiled unless there is someone to spoil you. My parents would always tell people we meet that I am spoiled. I would turn around, with my spoiled smart mouth and say, "I may be spoiled but I didn't get spoiled all by myself." Along the same lines, people say "it's better to give than to receive". Although I agree in theory, if everyone only gives, then who will receive? So I do all these givers a favour and make them feel good by receiving because without receiving, how can there be giving? Very zen thoughts, I know, I try.
You are right! It's not my fault they give me whatever I want! They created this monster I say they deal with it now!
Dear Chelsea,
It's not a matter of being spoiled or not...it's a matter of listening when mommy or daddy call you. If there is a big bad dog coming your way and mommy calls you and you don't listen, bad things could happen. So listen to your mommy and daddy cause they obviously love you very much.
Shamu, why must you ALWAYS be the voice of reason? Yes, you are right. I have to listen better to them. It is for my safety.
Chiquita, it is fun leaving the house but, I like staying home too.
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