I got in big trouble today

My morning was not eventful. I slept until 2pm despite Mama and Papa's continuos efforts to wake me up. Then I went for a long walk with Mama. It was way too hot so she carried me almost the whole way. We had to keep stopping so Mama could give me water. When we got home I wanted to go in the backyard with Papa. I got in behind the shed when Papa wasn't looking and found a big pile of leaves and weeds. I plunged into it and hid. Papa was calling me a long time but, I never came out. He started to sound very angry- as if that is going to make me come out. Next thing I know Mama is outside and Papa is telling her I got away somehow. Mama started screaming my name hysterically. Mama was ready to jump the fence to look for me when I moved in the rubbish pile. Papa spotted me. They came and got me. I knew I was in big trouble. Not for where I was hiding but, for not listening to them when they called me. I ran in the house with my tail between my legs and went straight to my crate. They came in the house and made me get out of the crate! They both were screaming at me and yelling at me! They were so mad and so upset. Mama was almost crying. I gave them the "I know I was a bad puppy and I am sorry" look. Papa gave in first which was surprising. He picked me up and told me not to do that again and he kissed me. Then he made me kiss Mama.
We watched a movie and then Mama took me for another walk! I guess hiding behind the shed somehow was not all that bad. We stopped at three different houses in the neighbourhood to visit. I love visiting!! Then we came home and I got a good treat! Time for some more sleep. Just like food, I can't seem to get enough!
oh oh....big mistake to not listen to your mommy and daddy...I know. I used to get in lots of trouble when mommy would call for me and I wouldn't come or take off cause mommy was mad at me..she finds me anyway and then she's just more mad...so now I just sit there with my head down and listen to her and then it's over and done with..besides, the apartment is too small for me to hide anyways.
Glad you are okay Chelsea!
Thanks Shamu
Truth is I was scared being in that rubbish pile and didn't realize what I was diving into.
I am glad I am safe too.
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