Mama took me to the park today. A big park where I like to go because there are always two of my favorite things there. Kids and tennis balls. There is a tennis court there so the chances of me finding a tennis ball are usually pretty good. (Doesn't say much for the players does it?) Today there were some other dogs there. Mama carried me in her arms just to be safe. The dogs turned out to be nice dogs according to my mama but, I just couldn't be bothered with them. Shadow is a big lab/german shepherd mix who is only 7 months old but, five times my size. He isn't nearly as hyper as I am for his young age and he'd much rather chase sticks than play with me. Jazz is a male schnauzer. He barked in my ear the whole time and I just lay on my back until I got sick of him sniffing my bum bum. I whacked him with one of my paws and he finally backed off. That irritates me when dogs try to get a whiff of my bum bum. I just dropped a poop........it just cannot be sanitary. I am not interested in other dog's bum bums.
Where are the kitty cat parks? I love kitty cats. I want to play with them! At least they are my size. Kitty cats don't jump on me or try and smell my bum bum. Mama won't let me play with kitty cats because she is afraid they will scratch me. Even if they did, if they stay away from my bum bum they are A-OK with me.
Hi Chelsea,
Trust me you don't want to play with cats...they do scratch...I know I'm a cat and I don't want to play with other cats. I used to play with Taby, but then she got old and didn't want me bothering her and she would hiss and growl and hit me with her paw...I liked it when she used to play with me, chase me, catch me, hold my head in a headlock and then pound it with her paw until I used my back legs on her face...those were the good old days. Mommy used to find that very funny too...
Hi Shamu!
I know cats can be mean but, at least they can't hurt me as much as a very mean dog could.
Cats smell better too most of the time.
Dear Chelsea,
You obviously haven't smelled my bum bum....lately...
Dear Chelsea,
You obviously haven't smelled my bum bum....lately...
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