Life of the party!
I went to my neighbour Audrey's 92nd birthday party today. We had a nice lunch and then Mama and the others had tea. I didn't get to have cake since Mama seems to be dieting...again. (And somehow I need to suffer because of this) I did luck out though since Mama only nibbled on salad so I got her other food on her plate! Woohoo!
I went from lap to lap to satisfy all my adoring fans. I was really the hit of the party. Even Audrey the birthday girl said so!
I had a blast and need to go rest now. Being Miss Hospitality is really draining. Rewarding but, draining.

We dogs must always suffer for our people. Sad but true.
You are so sweet to entertain the guests at Audrey's party! I'm sure she was really happy on her special day with you there.
By the way, thank you so much for the card! Mom and I (and CC-man) were really touched by your gesture. We miss our Grandpa so much. We're sorry that your mom and aunt lost their dad (your grandpa) too.
Your man,
Hiya Chelsea,
My oh my, you certainly are very busy at the pawty....I hope you got to eat lotsa yummy food.
and why doesn't your mother realize that if YOU eat the cake she doesn't have to battle with willpower would be a huge sacrifice for you to eat all that cake but still ...
Are you sure they weren't trying ti play "pass the parcel" with you Chelsea?!
Oscar x
I hate it when my mom is dieting too and I have to suffer for it! Not fair!
Love ya lots,
chelsea, having a supermodel in their pawty must be something they have never experience before!
wet wet licks
The less cake your mum eats should mean that there's more cake for you. Simple really. Why don't the humans see it like that?
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