Memoirs Of A Spoiled Poodle

Chelsea the canine supermodel shares her daily diary with you. SIT. STAY. GOOD BLOG!

Monday, April 16

It's just poop!

Mama and I went for our usual walk and as per my usual routine I stopped to drop some poop and relieve myself. I picked a huge lawn to do it on today. Much to Mama's dismay, some women yelled at her and told her not to let me poop there. Even after Mama had picked it up with a doggie bag. (Yes, that is what the true meaning of doggie bags is)
Anyhow, Mama was pretty mad. Afterall, how can she help why I choose to load off my stuff. She has no say in th matter.
As for that big mouth woman doesn't she know I am important? She should be honoured that I chose her lawn to poop on.
I am practically royalty...thus the reason I have someone to pick up my poop in the first place.
Mama told Papa she is going back there at 4 in the morning to take a dump on that lady's lawn.
Not sure what that means but, I think it's part of a revenge plan.

Oh, And I don't think Mama would appreciate me telling you that so let's keep this secret between you, me and the internet.


At 9:29 PM, Blogger Boo Casanova said...

shhhh, i won't tell chelsea. i would love your mama's idea. shhhh, don't tell everyone i love that idea.

wet wet licks


At 10:44 PM, Blogger T-man Angel said...

Ooh, don't you HATE those crabby people? Who do they think they are?? They should be honored. I'm sure her lawn wasn't really worthy. You can do much better!!

I like your mama's idea. If she saved your poopies, she could dump a whole bunch at once. (My mom did something like that once to a crabby lady..hee hee!)

Your man,

At 10:59 PM, Blogger Huskee and Hershey said...

I love your mum's idea!! Do you think I can send over some of my poop and your mum can dump them on that woman's lawn? Afterall, even if she gets the CSI to investigate the DNA of the poop, it'd never be linked to you.. hiak hiak..
(I have a better idea.. why not put the poop in a pretty box, tie it up with a nice ribbon and leave it at her doorstep??)

At 4:20 AM, Blogger Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

At least you're not a cat digging up people's flower beds to poop in! Stoopid woman.

Oscar x

At 5:19 AM, Blogger Fu Fu said...

Oh ok, we wont tell Chelsea, what a nasty women that was for yelling

~ fufu

At 5:30 AM, Blogger Duke said...

You were fertilizing her lawn! She should be thanking you! Stupid woman!

Love ya lots,

At 10:31 AM, Blogger jaffeboy said...

If your MaMa need help in the poop dept, do let me know. I'll DHL some of mine over to "decorate" the otherwise boring lawn... hehehe

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

We agree - we love it when you poop on our lawn. We think you are royalty.

What would that pyscho lady do if you tinkled?

Chelsea - next time do a diahrea - that way your mom won't be able to clean it all up (heehee)

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Great idea! We won't tell anyone! J x

At 5:42 PM, Blogger The Army of Four said...

I'm with T-man - they should be honored that you're using their facilities!
Some guy in our neighborhood came out and swore at our mom for "letting her dog #$%@ on his lawn - there it is, pick it up!" Mom said that not only did we NOT relieve ourselves on his lawn, but that she ALWAYS picks up our poop. "It's not from my dogs." Our poop is so special, she always brings it home.
I think these people have personal problems that have nothing to do with us or our poops.
Tail wags,

At 1:56 AM, Blogger Luckie Girl said...

What a horrid woman!! I hope your Mom managed to execute her plan and teach that lady a lesson. Really, some hoomans have nothng better to do all day then to stare at their lawn and yell at us!!

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Murphey said...

Man, peeps are strange! One lady yelled at us then took a picture of my lady picking up my poop. Not sure what that was all about, so I smiled real big in the photog.

Murph the Dog

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Sunshade said...

Oh HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA... you mama sounds like my mum when somebody says something bad about me..hehe!!!!


Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade


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