Brazen kitty!
That darn kitty cat came back again! It keeps trying to steal my Mama from me. Mama likes to go out and pet it and rub it's belly. It is really disgusting behavior on both their parts. Mama gave it a piece of cereal and some milk so now it may never go away. This is what the little bastard looks like.

I've got the advantage still. I am allowed in the house! Hee hee. So I just taunt the kitty cat through the window. Truth be known, I like the little bugger. I wag my tail ferociously when I see him. I wouldn't mind if he was coming around to see me....but, he's coming around for my Mama!

NOBODY and I mean NOBODY comes between me and my Mama. Kitty cat....if you are reading this. This is WAR!

Oh no!!! You got yourself a mommy thief???? You better let that kitty know who your Mommy really belongs to!!! Keep us updated.
you also have a cat that likes to loitter around your house?? we have one too! At times when she's being lock out of her house, she meow to get Jas to press the doorbell for her to get home! Shes one mind controlling cat..When I see her I'll bark to scare her away from Jas. *Bark Bark*
Uh-oh, this sounds like trouble! Let me know if you need a fierce attack poodle to patrol your house. T-man will come to your rescue, my sweet!
Your superman,
That is a brave kitty. Now it knows it can get food I reckon it will set up camp!
Oscar x
Oh boy! Now that your mom is feeding him, he'll be around forever! Better keep the doors locked Chelsea! You know what's going to happen next!
Love ya lots,
That kitty cat is quite cute. I think he is no harm. If you let him come into the house, he will probably just lay around & not bug anyone... hehhee
Oh no, the cat is being sneaky and trying to get you on his side. Don't give in! J x
That is one BOLD kitty. I would stare at him. Big time.
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