Walkies Weather
It was so nice today. Mama took me for a nice long walkies. That black blob at the bottom of the ravine is NOT me. It's just a black blob. Mama will not let me go down there. She also won't let me off leash. She says it's because she can't trust me. She says I don't listen to her.
And yet, when I pause every two minutes to sniff leaves, debris and grass she tugs on my leash.
Who doesn't listen to who here? Hmpft!

Hey Chelsea, not sure if it's my browser problem but I can't see your picture. But how come your mom dont listen to you. You should be allowed to sniff all you want
~ fufu
Sniffing has to be done, why don't mums & dads ever understand that. I am lucky to be allowed roaming freedom. The knowledge that mum has cheese in her pocket means I always come back when called! I would LOVE running up & down that ravine!
Oscar x
That black blob looks like a bear to me! Your mom is just protecting you by keeping you on the leash!
Love ya lots,
oh, ur mum is so bad...
no offleash run at such a beautiful place?? not fair!
Chelsea, you are just too funny!
Anyway, you have to come to our CHAT Pawty ok??? Come check out my blog! Just think, live flirt session with T-man!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hey Chelsea, I guess we should all be happy to go out for walkies even on a leash. Some doggies don't even get to leave their home.
Sniffing is one of life's great pleasures. I don't know why humans just don't get it. J x
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