Memoirs Of A Spoiled Poodle

Chelsea the canine supermodel shares her daily diary with you. SIT. STAY. GOOD BLOG!

Thursday, April 12

Update on the kitty cat

Kitty cat has not returned! Can I get a WOOT WOOT?
Must be my bark. I made sure to get really serious and instead of my usual "I wanna play" bark I had to resort to my "I am going to rip your head off" bark. Must of worked. Kitty has not come around again.
Go on with my bad self.
That's right.
I am still queen of my domain.
That kitty cat knows he cannot compete with me for my Mama's attention and devotion.
I think he has moved on to some other human sucker.
Good riddance!


At 11:26 PM, Blogger T-man Angel said...

You actually look sad in your photo (your mouth is turned down!). Are you really sad to see kitty go? Maybe kitty could've been a friend after all???

Whatever you decide, I'll support your decision. After all, that's what couples do :)

Your supportive man,

At 3:44 AM, Blogger Fu Fu said...

Chelsea good job on chasing the cat away. :) You really showed that cat

~ fufu

At 3:51 AM, Blogger Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Chelsea,
Congrats! Now you don't have to worry abt kitty cat vying with you for your mama's attention!

At 5:48 AM, Blogger Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Wow, I think you have mean scary face in that photo!

Have a great kitty-free weekend Chelsea!

Oscar x

At 6:17 AM, Blogger Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Phew, what a relief. It's always a worry when humans go over to the dark (cat) side. They should have to choose which side they're on. Cats or Dogs. Not both! J x

At 7:55 AM, Blogger Duke said...

I'm glad Kitty is gone! Now you have your mom all to yourself again!

Love ya lots,

At 12:07 PM, Blogger Boo Casanova said...


good to know you have scared the cat off your domain. i think cats stink big time!

wet wet licks


At 2:46 PM, Blogger The Army of Four said...

You're the PUP, Chelsea! Way to go, girl!
Play bows,

At 9:38 AM, Blogger jaffeboy said...

No more kitty cat???

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Luckie Girl said...

Great job Chelsea! I bet your meanest BARK scared the cat away. heh heh..good riddance.


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