Lovey dovey stuff
It was Mama and Papa's anniversary the other night. They have been married for five years. I am only two and a half so obviously the first two and a half years of their marriage weren't as memorable or anywhere near as fulfilling as when they got me.
Apparently I got them a gift. Some art for the living room. Personally, if I were really going to be given access to Papa's credit cards I wouldn't of chosen that gift. I would of bought them lots of kibble, some stuffed toys and a few meaty treats. Well, there's gotta be something in this anniversary thing for me doesn't there??
Mama and Papa have been lovey dovey for days now and I am a little upset. I am usually the centre of the universe around here. Hmpft!!
Hopefully Papa forgot to put out the garbage or left his stinky socks on the floor again. Then Mama will be mad at him. MORE ATTENTION FOR ME!!
Waiting patiently........

I always make sure that I lay between my Humans on the couch. They need to be constantly reminded that I am the important one in the family. Luckily my Humans are too old to be too lovey dovey and have been married for a zillion years.
Big Wags,
Poor Chelsea!! You look so lonely sitting there all alone. You could use a little dose of "T" to cheer you up. Next time you're ignored, give me a call.
Bum sniff and nose rubs,
Poor thing, Chelsea. Give in to them for once, it's their special day!
Hey that's a real nice bed!
I am the center of the you-man you-niverse.
Bussie Kissies
Hey! I think we have a bed like that, too! Only ours is bigger.
Luv, Dave
Your parents are lucky to have you, Chelsea!
Please tell your mom I said "Happy Anniversary", & Congrats!
Congrats to your mum and dad on their anniversary - I think they need to give you treats for ignoring you !
Please give my congratulations to the humans. I believe they owe you a nice chew stick to make up for their recent neglect.
Chelsea, don't take their ignorance in silence, where's your supermodel attitude??
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
It was my MaMa & PaPa's wedding anniversary few days ago too. Humans are wierd. They sure buy some boring gifts for each other. What happen to the good old munchies & toys.
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