Blogger glitch - but, I am back!
I am back peeps! Mama posted a few times and didn't even bother to check if it got posted. There was a glitch in my blog and apparently I had a blank page for a few days. Thanks to my boyfriend T-Man for pointing this out on his blog.
What would I do with out my handsome poodle stud?
Speaking of T-Man, his photo was declined for a doggie calendar. Can you believe the nerve of those doggie calendar people? My man is gorgeous. How could they refuse him? It's beyond me. Especially because we look so much alike and I am a supermodel.
Just in case those horrible doggie calendar people happen to come across my blog. Here is my profile. Stunning isn't it? If you want to book me for a photo shoot YOU must contact my agent. Agent Mama that is. But, I wouldn't bother, she is going to turn you down. If T-Man wasn't good enough for you deranged people than either am I.
So, take that!

Yeah! That'll show 'em, Chelsea! T-man is our pal and now you are, so those calendar people need to stop messin' with you!!!
Luv, Dave
Welcome back, Chelsea! We missed you. The calendar should put you and T-Man in a couple pose ON THE COVER!
My beautiful lady is back!!! I'm so glad to see you again, Chelsea! I've missed you terribly.
We should make our own page-a-day calendar. What could be more refreshing than 365 days worth of black poodles?
Your happy man,
Uh- maybe poodles interspersed with wires? I mean, I get curly too!
Bussie Kissies
Hey Chelsea,
I like Jay's idea of you and T-Man doing a couple's cover page. Hee.
~ fufu
You and T-Man should make your own calender. Every moth could be Chelsea and T-Man month!
Big Wags,
(this is my second attempt at commenting- blogger ate my first comment try)
Hey Chelsea, WELCOME BACK!!! Gotta second what everyone else has said, you and T-man make a great supermodel couple!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
I'm so proud of you Chelsea! You're so right, if they won't take your handsome huck of poodle boyfriend then you and him are both too good for those dumb calendar people! I was very honored by your modeling offer, but being a dachshund I really don't like being told what to do. Even Momma has a hard time getting a good picture of me, but again thank you! Have a great weekend and I'm glad you're back!
Your pal,
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