Simply Irresistable!
My doggie cousins Jessie and Jake came over today! We had so much fun! I think Jake has a crush on me. He's kind of shy around me and sniffs my butt a little more than I deem necessary. I just pretend I don't notice him. But, before you think I am playing hard to get? I'm not playing.
I am hard to get.
Just ask T-Man my boyfriend. It took weeks of him wooing me over the internet before I finally agreed to call him mine. Ok.... so it wasn't weeks, it was minutes and I am the one who pursued him but, hey.....I know what I want.
All this flirting and being irresistable to males is wearing me down. I need a nap. Night peeps!

This Jake dude had better mind his manners around my lady, or he will be getting a visit from one jealous poodle.
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