Let me In!
You already know by now that I am not just any dog. I am a special dog. I am practically a person. People wouldn't know I was a canine if it weren't for my four legs and hyper tail. I hardly ever bark. Only if somebody comes to the door like the mailman (grrrr....I'll get him!) or the paper boy (I like him! I only bark cuz I wanna lick him!) or maybe I'll bark if someone walks in front of the house. I need to protect my peeps. So otherwise, I hardly bark. If I want to go pee I stand by the door. I don't make a sound. I don't really need to. I am rarely out of Mama or Papa's sight for very long. They always find me very fast and let me out. No need to bark. Sometimes though, I go out and I wait at the door to come back in. I am never out there very long but, still...I am thinking of getting a little bell just to keep them on their toes.
A princess should never ever be kept waiting! They should just be kept.

Hey Chelsea,
Nice to meet you - can we add you to our master list of dogbloggers over at www.dogswithblogs.com.au ? We would love to have you there - we have a great community going and you will make heaps of friends too !
Just let me know, okay ?
Well Chelsea, it seems like you're making quite a lot of new friends :)
I know how it feels completely to be a princess (or at least treated like one) being my mommy's only little girl (I mean I'm 14, but if the only consequence to being adored is being treated like a little girl, so be it) and sometimes I'm kept waiting a little too. After all my mom has ALOT of work to do; both in the workplace and at home. But the best thing to do is not to fret too much since we both know eventually our mamas and papas will get around to it :)
I'm glad that Opy is female. I don't want you flirting with other male dogs either!! But if you hang out with other dog chicks that's ok by me.
Your jealous T,
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