Casting Call!
I've decided the mail man is useless. Well, I thought that before but, now I really think it!! No scripts or movie offers or anything have come rolling in since I've been with the dogs with blogs network so I have decided to take matters into my own paws. I am going to direct my own movie! I am currently casting for characters. The movie will be about my own life. As always, I am the star. I just need a few wretched looking pets to be my sidekicks. No pretty pooches need apply since I don't to distract the audience from my natural beauty.
No leading men need apply. I already have one. My T-Man. Sigh.

Can I play the funny sidekick please?
Bussie Kissies
Don't worry about my script, baby. I can just stand there looking cool. I can also ad lib in a pinch.
Your cool T,
I just realized you can sign off as "your cute T,"!
Get it?! "Cute T", "cutie"? That's super-cute, just like you & Chelsea!
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