Shutter Bug
I bring meaning to the term shutter bug. I was a bit of a bugger today when Mama was trying to take photos of me. Usually I am very photogenic and even pose for photos being the supermodel that I am. I wasn't so cooperative today. I looked Mama in the eye and then quickly darted my glance before she could snap a shot.

Then I looked away. I was trying to go for the dramatic affect but, Mama thought I was being a bit diva-ish.

She was getting impatient so I turned away completely. I am a supermodel in high demand and get paid big bucks. Mama's lucky I let her photograph me for free.

Finally Mama said the magic word. TREAT.
Voila, the money shot.

You've gotta show those photographers a little 'tude sometimes. You don't want them to think you're "easy"!!
By the way, I'm tagging you! I noticed some other doggie dude beat me to it, so I'm tagging you anyway cuz you're MY lady!!
Doggie kisses,
I can definitely see the diva in you! You're right, sometimes you have to hold back a little until they offer you a really really good deal then you show off your real stuff!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
I move too much for you-mans to get good shots, and when I am still I make sure to look away. I pretend there is a kitty over there!
Bussie Kissies
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