Mama's really really really old in dog years
Today Mama had a birthday. I don't know how old she is but, I do know that in dog years she is ancient. Like, King Tut ancient. Whatever embalming fluid she uses works really well. Papa was very generous as usual and so was I. I used all of my poodle points at the BAY and got Mama one of her favorite perfumes. She loved it and kissed me all over my face. Papa went to the store and got it though cuz I can't reach the cosmetic counter. Then again I don't want to make the human women feel insecure by showing up at the beauty section of the store. They would all want to know my secrets and they are just going to have to wait until the book comes out.
Anyways, Happy Birthday Mama!!

Happy Birthday Linda :)
Chelsea, say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my future mother-in-law!!! She deserves a big poodle hug for taking such good care of you. I hope her day was happy. And now that it's over, all the focus will be back on you again :)
Furry hugs,
Happy Happy Belated B'day !! Mama Linda !!!
:) Cheers, Hope you had a Lovely DAY !!
Banditt/Spidie & Jenz xoxoox
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