Today was my Papa's birthday. He looks great considering he would be 301 years old in doggie years. I bought him a pair of leather gloves. That's the least I could do for him. He plays ball with me everyday and sings me songs when he thinks nobody else can hear. I don't have the heart to tell him that he should stick to the lower notes...besides, I can't talk anyways so he never has to know. My Papa is the best Papa ever. He rubs my hind legs just right...Mama is not the greatest hind leg rubber but, she's better in the tummy rub department. Papa always gives me some of his snack or lunch or dinner. He is really good at sharing. I love him.
Happy Birthday POPS!!!
OH my Chel's !! U doin' a sexy pup's pose !??! ;)~~~ Hehehe !
U looks HOT too me,.. and I'm a kitty Kat ! woot hunny wanna be my early Valentine !??!
Luff SPidieman ! x0x0x0
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