Although I was not named after the English soccer team, since Mama and Papa got me in May of 2004 - the team CHELSEA has played incredibly. In fact they may very well win the cup this year. I don't wanna toot my own horn but, I am a darn good little soccer player myself. I can block shots, run like a champ and my defense is stellar. I have some issues about actually giving the ball back when it's no longer in play....but, I'm working on those. I've never got a red card so far so I must be doing something right!!!
And no...I was not named after Bill Clinton's daughter either. Even though my Papa likes to think he is the president of our house and that Mama is Monica Lewinsky.
I was actually named after a poshy, trendy area in both New York and in England. Mama and Papa were living in a trendy part of town when they got me and wanted my name to reflect a trendy, poshy city dog......... and everyone wonders why I am so spoiled. If they wanted just any regular dog they should of named me SPOT. I ain't no spot people and I am living up to my name!!!
Listen up dear sweet PRINCESS you R who u R ! A name is one thing an dang dada may think he's boss, and for him to think Mama is Monika LOL ... lemmie tell yah hun Hillary was pullin the strings etc I bet all da time in any house hold WHITE or not white .... heheh !
Banditt says maybe since u nick/named and had probs we can nick name you P.P ! Pricey princess ! or Pee Pee ! due to bum bum probs ... anyhow..must go cause CHAOS !!
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