My poor toys!

Mama washed my toys today. Yes, you heard me right. I get them dirty sometimes and she cleans them once a week. She also goes through this major inspection process where she has to check each one to make sure the stuffing is not coming out or a plastic eye is loose or something potentially dangerous is within my reach.
This bothers me.
I know she loves me and this is for my safety but, when I see her collect all my things and put them in the laundry bin I panic. I always think she is going to throw them away or give them to another dog somehow.
This photo is just ONE of many baskets around the house with my toys in them. I am very attached to my toys. Mama sticks them in the wash and they spin around to oblivion! How they make it out of there in one piece boggles my little mind. (And it's not little cuz I'm dumb, it's little cuz I'M LITTLE......Let's get that straight)
Anyhow, they are coming out of the dryer....gotta go make sure there are no casulties!!!
Dear Chelsea,
Ur mamma is cleaning ur toys for your health. My mommy washes my bowls (she only uses glass now cause she read that plastic bowls can contain bacterium that can cause ringworms and other nasty stuff to me)...Mommy disinfects my glass bowls every day and all my water and meals are fresh. She says cause I'm old and my immune system is down. She keeps putting Echanesia/Goldenseal drops in my food and water too...oh well. I know my mommy loves me...even though she yells at me when I won't shut up for more food.
I did not know that about plastic bowls...all my bowls are plastic.
Should I report Mama to the Humane society or give her the benefit of the doubt that she did not know this!
Woah, I need some new bowls.
Do they make them pre-filled with chicken?
That would be good.
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