Someone to watch over me.

This morning I got up and immediately ran to the poodle room. My cousin Lisa slept over last night. Hey she wasn't in the bed! I ran downstairs and there she was watching tv. I licked her face for a long time cuz that is how I say "Good Morning", I also say Hello, How are you, Goodbye, Goodnight, I'm hungry, I want water, I need a snack, I have to poop, I need to pee, I want to play, I love you lots, I have an itch, I'm bored and Nice to meet you by licking also.
I spent all day with Lisa. Papa went to play golf and Mama went to see a show with her friends. Lisa is a lot like me. She likes to play a lot and lie on the couch. Except she plays video games and I play real life action games involving tennis balls and furry stuffed toys.
I had a great time and then her mom came and took her home. I looked around for her a while and then realized she was really gone.
I hope she comes back again! Especially cuz Mama and Papa always have lots of snacks and pizza whenever my cousins come by.
Oh, another reason to lick them. Crumbs!
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