I'm Easy like Sunday morning.

Hugh Hefner may start a PLAYDOG magazine if he sees this pose! This is how I lounge around and much how I spent the day today.
The weather was fantastic and so Mama and I went for a very long walk. We had a nice time. Glad to get away from the house - especially cuz I kept getting in trouble today.
"CHELSEA! Don't rip the grass!", "CHELSEA! Get away from that bug right now!" , "CHELSEA! Get that tissue paper out of your mouth!"
I mean really, when are these people gonna cut me some slack. I am a dog. That is what dogs do. We are cute and loveable primarily but, we also do silly things that make no sense. Well, to humans anyhow.
I had chicken drumsticks for dinner and even got a bit of macaroni and cheese so I couldn't of been all that bad of a dog today. I know they still love me. Mama kisses me constantly and Papa let me chew on his smelly sock.
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