Lots and lots of company!

Mama and Papa left together early this morning. I was in panic mode. How long were they going, where were they going? Why couldn't I go? I tried to sneak out the door with them but, they wouldn't let me.
Papa got home first. He was dressed real nice? Where was Mama? Maybe she went hunting for food. Sometimes she comes home with lots of plastic bags with food. I think she is the hunter of the family.
Anyhow, jumped circles around her when she finally strolled in. She was not hunting cuz she had no food but, she looked really nice. Hmm. Maybe they are planning a surprise for me. Yeah, must be it. HAS to involve me somehow. Doesn't everything?
Mama took me to visit our neighbour Audrey and I got a digestive biscuit out of the deal. Love those so yummy. When we got back home THREE of my cousins and TWO of my aunts were at my house!! YEEHAW...I love when they come over.
We had pizza, around six bags of potato chips and even ice cream. Well, they had ice cream I was not allowed because it was chocolate. I didn't even vomit and I ate lots! Goodie for me.
One of my cousins slept over! I love her and licked her face lots before we went to sleep.
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