I am really popular

Papa came home this morning. He went to somebody's cottage and to play golf yesterday. He was tired and kind of stinky but, he took a shower when he got home so I lay with him a while on the couch. I love my papa so much.
Mama took me out visiting and for a nice long walk. Plenty of people stopped Mama to ask how it's possible that a dog could be so cute and so loving at the same time.
I know, SOMEHOW I manage.
I love the world.
The world was put here for my pleasure.
The world is my friend.
The earth is my toilet.
Gotta go play - Mama bought me another new toy today. This one is a horse and it makes noise but, I am not scared of it.
I am still scared of the stuffed dog that barks but, I am making progress in that area.
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