I met DOGZILLA today. It was bad. Mama took me to the big park where all the stray tennis balls usually are. We walked in our usual entrance and suddenly, OUT OF NOWHERE these two dogs came! One rushed at me but, backed off but, the other.........woah! It was growling at me and trying to go for my neck! I was screaming and looking up at Mama in panic. Mama was flailing her arms and screaming NO! to this big dog that was ten times the size of me. Mama got in there and swooped me up to safety in her arms! DOGZILLA's owner ran over and was yelling at his dog. He was very mad. He tried to talk to Mama but, Mama was very upset and kept walking. She was trembling. So was I to be honest, that dog could of squashed me never mind take out my throat! Mama came home and told Papa. Papa wanted to go back to the park but, Mama would not allow this. Mama was livid because the owner of DOGZILLA had the dog off leash. The owner was breaking the by-law stated clear as day in the entrance to the park. Mama always says there is no such things as bad doggies, just bad owners. I am probably not going to go to the big park anymore.....Mama says it is safer to go walking in the big cemetary. I think she is right but, I am sure going to miss those tennis balls and the kids sometimes in the park.
Oh well, I am over it now. I was a little shaken up and if there were such a thing as DOGGIE DEMEROL I would of popped a couple.
Mama has been cuddling me more than usual which is A LOT. She really loves me! I love her too. She is very protective and now I know why!
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