Door to door

Mama got up really early all dressed up and went out. I hope she is not still trying to find a job. I love having her around. Papa spoils me but, he doesn't wait on me hand and foot like Mama does. Last night she got up at 3:45 am and got me some kibble and water! Papa would never do that. He loves me but, he thinks that is just too much. I know who to go to when I need to get things done. MAMA!
Anyhow, slept in with Papa and cuddled.
Mama came home later and she felt so guilty for being gone she gave me all kinds of treats. Then she took me for a long walk. Then on the way back home we stopped at THREE different houses! I LOVE VISITING! I know all the houses where Mama has friends and I stop at all of them now. Most of the time nobody is home and I plop my bum bum down, wag my tail and won't move. Mama has to pick me up. Speaking of picking me up Mama keeps complaining about her shoulder. I heard her telling Papa that it is hurting from carrying me around so much. Mama thinks I forgot but, in the winter she was going to work and fell on the ice! It is the same shoulder that is hurting. How is that possibly my fault???? I wasn't even there when she fell! I wish I could talk sometimes but, then again - maybe things are better this way. Afterall, her shoulder hurts but, she keeps doing it!
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