My welcome back home pawty!
I have been back from my European modelling assignments for a few days now. I have been resting and nibbling bits of treats whenever I can to keep up my energy. I have been so jet lagged and exhausted from being a busy supermodel. Much to my surprise, Mama and Papa had a big welcome home pawty for me this weekend! All my friends were here and my cousins too! I was so happy. (None of my fans were invited as Mama says there is NO backyard big enough in the planet for my followers....she is right!) Here are some photos of me being surprised and charming and begging for food.
Here is my surprised look

Me and my uncle who was so happy to see me

Here's Papa and Mama, the proud parents.

My aunt Suzy and her dogter - my cousin Jessie

My uncle Sam (Hey T-Man we BOTH have an uncle Samy!) And my cousins Jessie and Jake trying to get in on the good eats!

Trying to get a bit of steak - REMEMBER I am the supermodel who eats!!

Doing what I do best...being the diva of attention!

hey welcome back chelsea, you went MIA for few days didn't you? i hope those rest can make you come back to blog regularly.
wet wet licks
Fun party! Did you get some cake and ice cream?
What a great welcome back pawty.. Did you had lots of yummy food to eat?
~ girl girl
Wow, that looks like quite a pawty! It must be so great to have all that adulation, or are you now so used to it that it washes over you?
Oscar x
Hi Chelsea,
You show 'em girl... You eat healthily and yet can maintain that awesome figure!
What an awesome welcome home pawty! You deserve to eat that whole cake by yourself Chelsea! Just don't get sick, okay?
Love ya lots,
Thank god we were invited!
We were worried we wouldn't be on the guest list!
We were soo excited we met Scooby Doo and Toto and Lassie (which we noticed were not in the photos). We are not used to being around famous dogs.
Thanks again for the invite and so glad you are home!
Hey pal, what a neat pawty! You totally deserve it, being a supermodel and all! J x
Now that is a pawty! Steak, yummy.
what a nice welcome home party! did you check the bushes for the paparazzi?
Chelsea - Now that looks like a real party! Did you get some yummy steak??
Hee hee, you've got an Uncle Sammi too. Maybe they can meet each other at our wedding!
I hope your mama is giving you lots of back rubs to help you relax after your tour. I'm sure she's so happy to have you back! I am too :)
Your adoring man,
Hey guys meet us in chat 9 am EST 9 pm Singapore time - peemail me if you need that addres
Bussie Kissies
welcome home Chelsea, are you taking some time off now? it's nice to get to see your family again.
Oh you never keep those yummy food for me?? and you have a handsome pa & beautiful mama.
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