Wake me up when summer's over

Another scorcher of a day! I wonder if Mama and Papa picked up and moved us to Kuwait or somewhere desert like? Except the house and backyard sure look the same? It is so hot that I have no energy. I still muster the strength to eat in case you were worried. I go for short walks these days. I walk til I poop and then I am pooped and lie down. Mama ends up carrying me back home. She complains and whines about it but, she's getting killer biceps because of me! Do you know how much humans pay for personal trainers??? Mama should be happy she's getting it for free!
I'm glad your mama is carrying you around. That's what mamas are for. My mom always carries me up the stairs when I don't have the energy. How can they complain?? They are lucky just to have us in their lives.
I will do a rain dance tonight to bring cool showers to your backyard. Hopefully the rain gods will be paying attention tonight.
Your hot cool-man,
This summer has been a truly scorching one with temperatures definitely not too fit for a dog, or even us humans! But never fear Chelsea dear, Canadian summers are short anyway compared to our long freezing winters. Pretty soon, we'll be complaining about how cold our hands (and paws) are so I suppose try as best as you can to enjoy the summer while it lasts :)
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