Sean Preston ain't got NOTHING on me.
So Britney and Kevin had a baby. Woopdee doo.
They posted pictures of the kid's room. Actually the kid doesn't have his own room yet. He stays in his parents room in a bassinette.
Here are the photos. Let's compare his life to mine.....shall we?
Here is his bed.

The baby's bed is in the corner of the parent's room.
So is ONE of my beds (i have four) but, I get to sleep on the big bed with Mama and Papa.
One point for Sean Preston, Two for me.

Here is a boudoir desk in the bedroom. There is a picture frame on it and it is empty. Mama's got a picture of me in her frame!
Zero for Sean Preston and two bonus points for me.

This Is Kory's room....she is Sean Preston's half sister. Her daddy's got kids everywhere. She does not live with her daddy all the time. I do.
I get three more points and what's his name gets nada. My family life is more stable. Kory's got some nice toys in her room but, mine are better and I have baskets of toys everywhere.
I get two more points.

Kory's room has an awful raft mural on the wall and looks like a boys room. My room is girlie from head to toe.
I get five more points. And another point for having much more practical furnishings.

This is just ONE of my toy baskets. Look how colorful and neat it is. This is the one in my very own poodle room.

This is the boudoir desk in my room. Mama puts her stuff on it but, I don't mind. I never fuss with my appearance the way she does. I don't need to. Besides, we both know who's room this is...MINE.
Mama has a photo of me on the desk but, you cannot really see it here... I get two points. Sean Preston zero.

These are the curtains in my room. Aren't they so pretty? Mama always brags to everyone who comes over that the curtains only cost twenty dollars at Zellers.
Ofcourse they were cheap you can see right through them!
Gee, good deal you got on a piece of see through lace Mama!! Yeah, right.
Anyhow, I get more points because I got curtains and Kory has blinds in her room. I am still winning!

Ya think Sean Preston has statues of himself in his room?
Ofcourse not.
I get bonus points for this for sure.

This is my POODLE shelf in my POODLE room that Mama and Papa dedicated to me. I am not allowed to play with these toys and they are up high. Sometimes I cry because I want to but, Mama won't let me.
Sean Preston probably has a shelf he wants to touch too but, he can't because his father Kevin stashes all his drugs up there.

And this is my's comfy and I like to sleep here during the day. My bed rocks.
It ain't no basket for a baby, it's a real bed.
I get a million points for this bed.
I win.
And people say Britney is going to spoil that baby.
Not likely.
That baby will never have it as good as me.

I smell grilled chicken.
I'm outta here!!!!!! BYE
You are so right Chelsea...I'd rather be you than Britney Spears kid...poor thing!!
Oh and mommy says you have super neat room!!
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