I am scared of my new toys

This is me playing with my bunny. I am fine with bunny. Mama wanted a photo of me with my new toys that I am afraid of but, I wouldn't play with them long enough for her to take a photo. Mama bought me a doggie and a kitty cat. At first glance they appear to be normal stuffed animals. That's what I thought. When I played with them they were making noises! The puppy doggie barks and the kitty cat meows. I was crying and shaking. Mama did not even comfort me at first, in fact she kept laughing and putting me beside the new toys. I sure didn't think it was funny. I don't get the joke. We'll see how funny it is when I report Mama to the Humane Society. Cruelty to Animals.
Mama gave me chicken for dinner and I forgave her. Well, I can't hold a grudge, it's just not healthy.
Besides, when I played with the toys later I realized that if I just lick them gently they won't make those horrible noises. I guess I have to get used to them. Mama never gave them any chicken so I guess they can stay. For now.
Oh I want to give a shout out to my Mama's cousin Helder! Happy Birthday big guy.
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