I feel it coming.....

Mama and Papa are sending me to the groomers. They keep commenting that they can't see my pretty face. That is a nice way of telling me I am a hairy mongrel! I know it's part of a dog's life but, hey, I am not just any regular dog....don't you agree???
Mama worked on the computer for a long time today and I just lay around completely bored. Finally Mama took me for a long walk around lunch time. We had a nice time but, it was too hot. I tried to keep up with Mama so that she would not think my fur is too long......clip, clip, but, I just couldn't. She had to pick me up a few times but, other than that I was a good girl. Mama also took me to visit our neighbour Audrey. We had a nice time and Audrey gave me half of her chicken parmesan! I'll have to remember to go and visit around her dinner time again. Papa went to play golf and came home with more chicken! I had a great day food wise.
Mama was crying today. She was watching some show where they were talking about Hurricane Katrina. Mama was crying because a lot of doggies were abandoned. People were told they could not take their pets with them and they were showing doggies in water and doggies tied to a porch full of water and starving doggies. I tried to comfort Mama and she just hugged me really tight and kept crying. Later Papa and Mama told me that they would never abandon me....even in a hurricane. They love me so much they would rather put their lives in danger. I sure am a lucky dog. Literally.
I am pretty self absorbed aren't I? Mama and Papa think I am going through a "teenage phase"...Whatever that means.
You know what they say......."it's a dog's life........"
Hi Chelsea,
Mommy and I cried too watching tv when they showed a pack of dogs roaming together trying to find food in New Orleans...mommy wants to adopt them all...she doesn't have room for them or enough Claritin cause she's allergic (what's that??)..but she felt sorry for them...fortunately there are now animal groups that have gone down to rescue animals...but Chelsea...I haven't heard or seen about any cats surviving...that makes me and mommy really sad!!
Your cousin,
Mama and I watched Oprah today and they showed a vet who has been with over 100 both dogs and cats for a week. He rescued as many as he could and he has been with them since. He has gone without food and instead fed the animals and somehow managed to stay alive! What a wonderful guy eh? Matthew McConaughy, some actor was part of Oprah's team of angels who went to help. Matthew helped the doctor put all the kitty cats and doggies in kennels to transport them to safety. They left on a boat and went on a helicopter. Some of them looked very skinny but, they were all ok! The vet looked the most gaunt if you ask me....anyhow, the best part was it showed some of them being reunited with their families. One was an orange kitty cat who's owner was so happy and emotional to see her again! The owner had to feed the kittycat some vitamins through a suringe but, otherwise the kitty cat will be fine.
Just thought to brighten you and your Mama's day.
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