more visiting!

Mama, Papa and I went visiting today. We went to my little cousins' house. They had a bbq. I got meat and chicken for dinner. WOOHOO! I played in the backyard for most of the day and took a poop by the swingset they have although, Mama never did find it.
I played with my cousins and had a grand old time. Mama took me out for a big walk before we left the house and I got to go to the park with my cousins in the afternoon. I met a boy dog named Lucky that looked like me. He wanted to play with me but, I really was not interested. Then a little shitzu dog was trying to play with me through the fence but, I was jealous cuz all my cousins kept saying how cute the dog was. Well, it was cute but, not as cute as me. I kissed the dog through the fence and that was the end of that. I had a nice day.
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