Short but, Sweet Day

Today was a short day on a count that Mama, Papa and I slept in until after NOON! Woohoo, we have not done that in ages. Here I am with my Mama. Now you can put a face to the name. Papa took the photo so you have to wait and see him another time....Mama finally got up from her bum bum and downloaded more photos from her camera. My blog will be better than ever now!
And don't I take a great photo? Seriously, I know how to pose! Mama calls me her little super model. So I don't make six G's a year but, I get all the attention I need so I don't care.
Anyhow, I lay around the house most of my day. Why? Because I can.
Mama took me for a walk and we went visiting again in the neighbourhood. I had fun and ofcourse was the STAR attraction where ever I went. Some things just never change.
Sweet day though, not that I got any sweets but, I had some treats, a bit of meat and Mama cuddled me a lot!
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