My Resolutions for 2006

I hear that you silly humans make resolutions every year. So I decided I too perhaps should par-take in this strange yet, interesting ritual. So here it goes....
1) I will dig up all the bones I have hidden in the back yard this year and bring them into the house for safe keeping. Then I will decide that the bones in fact are not safe and will re dig them outside. I will repeat. And repeat.
2) I will politely wait until Mama is ready to take me for a walk instead of following her around the house hanging my head in a depressed state while she asks me what's wrong 50 million times.
3) I will only chew on Papa's old stinky socks and not the nice new ones he just got for Christmas. (Even though I know they are in the laundry basket this very minute calling my name)
4) I will reluctantly not hog the space in the bed between Mama's head and Papa's head. I personally don't think I will last until January 4th but, hey I'm willing to give it a shot at least.
5) I will try and eat my own food on occasion to make it look like I am not a mooch.'s hard to pretend to enjoy something that's 50 cents a can when there's a three dollar chicken breast piping hot fresh out of the oven in da house.
6) I will still wake up Mama every morning with lots of kisses but, I'll try to refrain from swatting her across the face when she doesn't respond fast enough. For some reason she doesn't like my added personal touch.
7) I will really try to stop beating up all my stuffed toys. Especially all my kitty cats. I really do love them. The rough housing is just a show for Mama and Papa. You know the "look at me I'm a big, tough, dog now" act. Truth is - when nobody's around I lick those toys and am very tender. I'll have to try and show them my sensitive side more often this year. Except maybe for that purple dinosaur. He's been asking for a smack for a while now....
8) I will get that mailman if it's the last thing I do.
9) To eat as many treats as possible in the shortest time possible. Well, I already do that, but, I like to be consistent.
10) To keep on BLOGGING in the free world!
Mama doesn't write this stuff...I do! She's too busy writing her celebrity blog.
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