That's the end of it!

I had the last of that big chicken today. It was so yummy. I savored it. Just in time too cuz Mama watched some show about obesity in dogs and now she is on some rampage where I can only have one or two treats a day.
I am calling the humane society. She can't do this! This is starvation! A growing girl like me needs to eat. And often.
I wish I could reach Mama and Papa's snack cupboard, cuz I gotta tell ya IT'S FULL TO THE RIM, The door doesnt't even close.
This won't last long. I'll rebel. I'll go on a hunger strike. No I won't .......that would be stupid ...actually I 'll think of something else to get them back.Why should I punish myself? I need to keep my strength up ESPECIALLY if I am only allowed one measly dog biscuit and a denta bone per day.
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