Where is the shade?

Today was another hot one! I need to get a haircut soon - this weather is doing a number on me! I keep hearing mama and papa talk about making me an appointment but, so far nobody is lifting a finger. Seriously, what do those two do all day? Pass me the phone, I'll call the groomer!!! Today was fun but, as I said too hot. Spend most of my day looking for shade and plopping myself down on it. Papa still working on that wooden thing and mama was out lying in the sun for a while. I wanted to lie with her in the sun but, I couldn't take it. Not only because the sun was beaming down on me. Mama had her walkman on and was singing really loud! I think she thinks she can sing. The truth is she was totally off tune!! It was driving me nuts! Lay in the shade for a while then got bored. Found a bunch of wild shrubs in the back garden to play with. Luckily mama and papa were both occupied and didn't see me digging it. Then something got stuck on me and I went back to the shade. Suddenly, my mama came running over and she starting picking some gooey things out of my fur. Must of been from that darn shrub! Anyhow, mama put me in her lap and began picking this stuff our of my fur and asking me over and over what was in my fur. HELLO!!! I can't answer you back woman!! So anyhow it was like a national geographic special feature program. You know when the mommy gorilla is grooming her baby and picking all the crap out of his fur??? Yeah, just like that.
So mama and I went for a long walk again but, I was too hot so got carried for half of it. It's ok though cuz mama tells me that she needs the excercise more than I do.
Got home, got some of mama's dinner and most of papa's steak!!!
I really am on a role these days with getting food from them!!
I must sleep now. Bye.
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