Canada Day?

Today I caused havoc. Papa had a friend over and was building some large wooden structure they referred to as a "deck" in the back yard. I kept getting in trouble for trying to lick some wood pieces. Papa kept saying I was going to get slivers. Silly human! My tongue is like sand paper. If anything I could give that wood a sliver......just give me a chance! Anyhow, it was hot and muggy and I was restless and bored. Mama took me for a long walk for an hour. She held me in her arms for around 45 minutes of it. She kept cooing in my ear that it was too hot for a small baby like me. I don't get that woman. Why did she take me out in the blistering heat then? Slept really good after my "walk". Some other humans I don't know came over for a barbecue after. Everyone kept talking about Canada Day. I don't know what it means. I guess you eat a lot on Canada Day. That is what we all did at our house. I had a little steak, chicken and even some sausage. My tummy hurts but, I could eat more. Just let me have the chance. Got in trouble for jumping on the picnic table. I always jump on the picnic table. I guess I am not suppose to do it while people are eating??? Picky humans. They don't know what they want.
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