
I am really tired today. Mama took me for our walk. I walked the whole way! I either really had a lot of energy or forgot to hang my tongue and gasp so she would pick me up like she always does. I was really tired when we got home. I ate most of my dinner and most of mama's. The best thing happened after that! I was lying down upstairs on my "office" bed. Yes, I have 3 beds. I have a bed in my papa's office, a bed in the living room and a bed in my parent's room. I like to refer to them as lounging mats. I sleep with mama and papa in their bed. Just as I should.
Anyhow, as I saying. I was lounging in my "office" mat and then papa came in and brought me a huge steak bone! He let me have it! I devoured that thing in about ten minutes. Mama kept asking me if I was O.K. Not sure why. Eventually I drowned her out with the sound of my chomping and really enjoyed it. Not quite sure what I did to get this fantastic treat but, I will have to try and do it again real soon! Let me see, Recap of my day :
Got in trouble for bothering papa as he is still building that wooden thing in the yard. Apparently I was too close to something called a power drill? Whatever!
Got in trouble by mama for trudging through the house with my wet dirty paws right after she mopped the floor for the third time.
Hmmm. Must of been one of those two things. Have to repeat and see if it works again! Need my protein fix!
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