G day's coming...

I am itchy and irritable and uncomforable and hairy as heck. I have knots all over my legs even though Mama has attempted to brush them out - some still remain. Papa keeps commenting that he can't see my eyes. I kind of like when Mama and Papa can't see my eyes. I can hide stuff a lot better. Normally if I hide a bone or steal a sock from the laundry bin....the guilt shows in my eyes..with all this hair I've got those two fooled every minute. I hope my grooming appointment isn't soon because it was freezing today. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..... I'm gonna need my fur coat extra furry for a little while longer.
Dear Chelsea,
I like hearing about your grooming appointments but I have a question: Is it just me or are you having more grooming appointments more frequently these days? Or maybe it's because you blog about them more...if it's because they are more frequent, I'm sorry to hear that but I guess you are a big girl now and big girls need to do big girl things.
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